Blackout Poetry

We started our poetry unit this past week, and by Thursday I was feeling about as “Blah” about poetry as my students. I hadn’t yet broached my favorite poems as I was using one larger poem in each of my grade levels to teach some of the basic poetry terms, so my enthusiasm was really …

Using an Appointment Clock

There are various ways to group students up when cooperative learning is required. One way is to count off and hope that students remember their number, but another way is to set it all up at the beginning of the year and never worry about it again. I do this through an appointment clock. Students …

pencil writing on paper

RACE Writing Strategy

At the beginning of each year, I teach my students the RACE writing strategy. I find that many times, as students reach middle school, they lack the ability to fully explain and cite evidence from the text. While the ability to cite evidence is a key standard, it is also an important skill when writing …

engaged and enthusiastic students

10 Ways to Make Learning Fun

Finding a way to make learning fun and engaging can be difficult the older students become. Add to that the issue with technology, and teaching becomes more challenging. One of the problems that we have in middle school is that students who have never had a personal laptop are suddenly presented with one, and with …


Why Teach?

Not often do we have an opportunity to just sit and reflect on why we teach or how we became a teacher, but sometimes a student will notice the things happening in the classroom and ask, “Why did you become a teacher? I could never do this!” In simple terms, I was disappointed in my …

When Engagement Happens

Engagement. It is the one thing that all teachers long for in the classroom. Engagement means that your students are actively involved in what is happening in class. It means that the lesson is relevant and effective. For the last two days, I have stressed about today’s activity. We were putting a character on trial, …