It’s time to wave the white flag and surrender. I just can’t do this anymore. I tried to tough it out and thought that perhaps it was nothing more than a rough spot in the road, but soon it became obvious that it was so much more than that. A student that I don’t teach …
Story Time: Sharing my passion
Sometimes my students manage to find me online by accident, and sometimes they go digging through Google like they are detectives on a mission. I don’t lie to them when it comes to my passion, but I am often surprised when the realization of what I tell them in my beginning of the year spiel …
Story Time: Survival Mode
It is almost Thanksgiving Break, and I am in survival mode. Not only am I in survival mode, but I can sense that many of my students are as well. The holidays are coming up, and some seem to need extra attention. Survival mode during the holidays can mean many things for many people. For …
Story Time: Something in the air
Nurses, Police, and Teachers can tell you that things go crazy when there is a full moon. The energy kind of ramps up a bit, and usually chaos follows closely behind. But what if there isn’t a full moon in sight? Friday, on my way to work, I listened to my grandson in the back …
Story Time: Teaching with ADHD
Two months ago I was diagnosed at the age of 53 with ADHD. Upon speaking with other adults, it’s not something that is unusual. Much of our symptoms are combined with other things such as anxiety, stress, and our mental health that many doctors fail to realize that perhaps those things are a direct correlation …
Story Time Sunday: I know they are children
There is a clear difference between children and adults in how they handle put downs. I think if it came down to it, I’d be more upset over another colleague saying something than I would a student. It’s how we handle conflict. As an adult, you begin to master the art of “oh well.” Lately, …
Year Round School and Fall Break
One of the benefits to our school district changing over to a year round schedule (not really year round, but close) is that it offers an opportunity for a long week and a half break after each 9 weeks. The good thing is that you can relax and rejuvenate yourself before starting another 9 weeks. …
Story Time: Maybe Patience is a Flaw
Today as I was sitting in a meeting with my fellow co-workers, I realized that perhaps my patience -the patience of a saint- isn’t a gift after all. Perhaps maybe it is a flaw. It’s no secret that this year’s group of students have tested that patience. The patience that I pride myself for having. …
Story Time: What they don’t tell you
When I was in college, I was often told: Don’t smile until after November. The reason behind this is that in order to have effective classroom management, your students need to know that you mean business. What they don’t tell you is that it’s difficult to do that when you cycle up with the students. …
Sunday Story Time: It’s been a rough week
I haven’t truly had the time to process this week the way that I really need to process this week. I’ve cried a lot. I’ve been bullied by students (that will be in a later post). I’ve received a diagnosis which made me realize that I wasn’t losing my mind. Let’s begin with the crying. …