Finding engaging, interactive learning tools for students can be difficult. Here are a few online tools that you can use in the classroom to provide the engagement needed for students.
Utilizing Classcraft’s Boss Battles for Formative Assessments
One of the great ways to assess a lesson that has been taught is to utilize a quick formative assessment or questioning to determine the success of the lesson. After a lesson, when using Classcraft, I can choose to use The Wheel of Destiny to randomly choose a student to answer a question about the …
Classcraft Quest
Each year at the end of the year, I assign the students a quest. They are usually apprehensive because they are unsure as to what is going to unfold, especially since I know what is about to happen: Someone is going to lose all of their gold that they have saved so carefully for a …
Using Classcraft to appeal to your students’ need for competition
I can remember sitting in on a Professional Development session back in 2014 on “Gamifying Your Classroom,” and I walked out of there thinking, “That’ll never work!” The ugly truth is that I tuned out during the session on Classcraft because I thought that it was complicated. I was wrong! I ran across Classcraft by …