Finding engaging, interactive learning tools for students can be difficult. Here are a few online tools that you can use in the classroom to provide the engagement needed for students.
Project Based or Problem Based Learning
When it comes to creating a learning output in the ELA classroom, we can utilize either project based or problem based learning. While these two inquiry products can coincide with other subjects, finding a way to make them solely ELA can be just as rewarding in the classroom. Nine years ago, the word rigorous was …
New Unit and a Backbone
This week I started teaching my anti-bullying unit. It’s one that I developed after going to a professional development, and because it is mine- and a topic that is close to my heart- I love teaching this unit. I wanted to find a way to incorporate our informational text in with a novel study, and …
Using Socratic Circles in the Classroom
Students tend to learn best from one another. Having a student reciprocate a lesson to another student can be more effective than having a teacher go over a lesson. Moving them out of nice neat rows and placing them in a circle with the intention of discussion can breathe life into your classroom. Because of …
When do you adapt instruction to student needs?
When it comes to adapting your instruction to fit student needs, do you do it before instruction, during instruction, or after instruction? Prior to this year, I always managed to foresee changes and adapt my lesson plans/instruction prior to teaching. This year? This year brings all new challenges. In a class with multiple reading abilities, …
Get to Know your Students
At the beginning of the year it is important to get to know your students. It also helps to know what things that they are interested in so that you can plan your lessons appropriately for the best engagement in the classroom. One way to do this is to give the students a simple interest …
Classcraft Quest
Each year at the end of the year, I assign the students a quest. They are usually apprehensive because they are unsure as to what is going to unfold, especially since I know what is about to happen: Someone is going to lose all of their gold that they have saved so carefully for a …
10 Ways to Make Learning Fun
Finding a way to make learning fun and engaging can be difficult the older students become. Add to that the issue with technology, and teaching becomes more challenging. One of the problems that we have in middle school is that students who have never had a personal laptop are suddenly presented with one, and with …
When Engagement Happens
Engagement. It is the one thing that all teachers long for in the classroom. Engagement means that your students are actively involved in what is happening in class. It means that the lesson is relevant and effective. For the last two days, I have stressed about today’s activity. We were putting a character on trial, …