my favorite hobby is sewing and textiles

My Favorite Hobby

When it comes to relaxing after a stressful day or week, I turn to my favorite hobby: sewing. I was taught to sew by my grandmother when I was nine years old. She taught me using an old Singer pedal sewing machine. No electricity required. Just foot power. I’m not sure why, but there is …

professional development

The professional development we need

The professional development that I have sat through lately has been on writing curriculum. While writing curriculum is great, it doesn’t meet the needs that I currently have: the Covid bubble of students. When Covid struck and schools were shut down in 2020, we had entire groups of students who suddenly were moved along with …

low light photography of woman in gray knit sweatshirt writing on desk

My view on homework

At the beginning of each school year, I stand in front of my students and I state, “Homework is a bad word. We don’t use it in my classroom. However, if you end up with homework in my class, know that it was a choice you made when you chose to do other things instead …

managing stress as a teacher

Managing Stress as a Teacher

This school year was a complete gamechanger for me. At the beginning of the school year, I was already feeling an overwhelming amount of anxiety and stress, and I was, unfortunately, suicidal. I mentioned this to my doctor who brushed it off and stated I needed to get my stress under control so that my …