
Always a Downside to Testing

There’s always a downside to testing, whether it is MAP testing or state standardized testing. The one thing that I have enjoyed about our standardized testing is the ability to take the kids out to the ballfield and let them run around after sitting so quietly for so long. MAP testing isn’t like that. Our …


December, already?

Is it really December already? Where did November go? This has been such a fast paced school year. Much of it has been due to the fact that I’ve dealt with a medical issue and have had medical tests and procedures each month. But December? 2021 is almost over? I was so ready for Thanksgiving …

poetry lapbook

Poetry Lapbooks

One of the projects that I like to do every other year is to have my students create Poetry Lapbooks. I generally will assign the lapbook at the beginning of the unit and will teach my content throughout. By the end of the unit the students will have their list of terms and examples from …

Get to Know your Students

At the beginning of the year it is important to get to know your students. It also helps to know what things that they are interested in so that you can plan your lessons appropriately for the best engagement in the classroom. One way to do this is to give the students a simple interest …