pencil and sharpener on notebook page
Teaching Writing

Story Maps and Writing

When it comes to writing, students can be intimidated by it. Especially narrative writing and writing short stories. They stare at a blank page and have no clue what to write about or even where to start if they have an idea.

To help with this, I reached into my file cabinet and pulled out a graphic organizer from Education Oasis. They have a lot of different organizers on their website, and I have used their Story Map Organizer to take notes about a story and even to create their own stories.

story map organizer from Education Oasis

When I introduced the students to the organizer, I had already discussed many of these plot elements. They know what each of these is about. We talk about the short stories we have already read and place those elements into an organizer. Then, I have them give me details for a story. They randomly give me setting details, character details, problem(s) and even solutions. The ending is usually a mystery on these because I plan to write and share them with the students.

By doing this, they have an idea of how to fill this out or they can borrow from mine. I even start my story on the same day by showing it to them on the overhead projector (Ipevo or Elmo) so that they know how to start their stories. Sometimes it is en media res and sometimes it is just describing the setting. I even show the other classes’ story maps that they gave me and the story I’m writing with it.

The great thing about an organizer is that students can utilize it simply even if they struggle to get started. I always take them back to the organizer if they are stuck. We fill in more details, or we work on the problem they are having. Any time we are writing, I try to sit at my small group table and allow students to come up to the table for help. Some want to camp out at the table, but unless they are absolutely having issues (I generally have on in each of my classes), they have to go back to leave a chair empty. Otherwise, I have 10 to 20 students trying to shove computers or paper in my face. And yes, it happens! Putting procedures in place for the writing conference table can be challenging the first time that I do it. By the end of the year, they know how it works and everything runs smoothly.

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