differentiation Archives - Teaching ELA in the Middle https://teachingelainthemiddle.com/tag/differentiation/ and living life one day- and book- at a time Sat, 11 Feb 2023 14:09:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/teachingelainthemiddle.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Black-with-Book-Shelf-Icon-Education-Logo.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 differentiation Archives - Teaching ELA in the Middle https://teachingelainthemiddle.com/tag/differentiation/ 32 32 194908938 Differentiation in the Classroom https://teachingelainthemiddle.com/differentiation-in-the-classroom/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=differentiation-in-the-classroom Sat, 11 Feb 2023 14:09:21 +0000 https://teachingelainthemiddle.com/?p=292 I had a parent conference not too long ago, and I was asked about my teaching style. I’m adaptive. I know that at times I may have to revamp how I teach my material to my first period class as opposed to my third period honors. I know that even in my first period class, …

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I had a parent conference not too long ago, and I was asked about my teaching style. I’m adaptive. I know that at times I may have to revamp how I teach my material to my first period class as opposed to my third period honors. I know that even in my first period class, I have 3 different learning styles and 10 different needs with 15 specific accommodations. What I can’t do is stand over one student and guide their hand to do the work. Not with 23 students in the class who are all needing me to stand over them.

Differentiation sometimes looks like chunking it for all, and those who do not, can finish it faster.

Differentiation sometimes looks like providing the same accommodations for all students.

In this one class, the only thing that I can manage to differentiate properly is my reading. I can give the students texts on their level and then chunk the writing into smaller steps.

I will be teaching Argumentative Writing starting on Monday. I’m not thrilled because writing is my first period’s weakest area. It’s not that they can’t, it’s just that their ADHD prevents them from being able to get started. (I’ll have to elaborate more later on that subject)

My goal is to find articles on the same subject that is adapted to their level (Newsela is fantastic for this), and have them read and highlight with a claim in mind (what would support their claim). We are not going to just highlight and write (remember those ADHD children?). Instead, one small part of it at a time. I’m even going to give them a folder to keep all of their work in so that they do not lose it (because they will). It may take me two weeks to get through writing. I really want to be able to sit down with them one-on-one and give a good writer’s conference with each of them. I’m also planning to pull students for reading conferences this week (I hope!).

It will be weeks of small chunks. Small bites. Fifteen minutes or less then move on. If they have too much time to think, chaos erupts as their way of not wanting to do the work. Minilesson, do, transition, minilesson, do, transition, etc. It works with them. But you have to remember that you only have 5 minutes before they get antsy.

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